While many avoid fruits because in our busy lives, it is a hassle and we depend greatly on prepared food items, we must remember that fruits are great sources of vitamins and minerals- the micronutrients.
Strawberry, in the fruit world, are not only a great source of vitamins but it is widely appreciated as a flavouring. While the essence of strawberry is almost desired by all of us, let’s find out what health benefits it adds if consumed regularly in the right proportion.
Nutritional Breakdown
Raw Strawberries (100 grams)
Calories: 32
Water: 91%
Carbs: 7.7 grams
Proteins: 0.7 grams
Fat: 0.3 grams
Sugar: 4.9 grams
Fiber: 2 grams
Vitamins and Minerals: Vitamin C, Manganese, Folate or Vitamin 9, and Potassium.
Plant Compounds and Antioxidants: Pelargonidin, Ellagic acid, Ellagitannins, Procyanidins, Anthocyanins, Ellagitannins and ellagic acid.
1. Low Calories but High Nutrients
Strawberry or Fragaria ananassa is a fruit that originated in Europe around the 18th century. In general, a ripe strawberry is sweet, juicy, and bright red in texture. However, many like the tangy taste of it when it is semi-ripe. As a fruit, strawberries are quite low in calories and that can be good news to health enthusiasts.
It can be delectable while one watches their weight, as one cup of strawberries only contains around 32 calories. Not only that, the fruit is a rich source of vitamin C, manganese, vitamin 9 and potassium. Also, the carb in strawberries is rich in fiber which can be very beneficial for gut health.
2. Heart Health
The rate of death due to cardiovascular issues is rising each day. Adding strawberries to one’s diet can be helpful in reducing the chances of cardiovascular problems. Scientists have shown notable results that thousands of people benefit from consuming berries to reduce their chances of developing heart-related issues.
While it is a treat to your taste buds, studies show that strawberries are rich in antioxidants which help in improving HDL (good) cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood platelet function. This helps with improving blood antioxidant status, decreasing oxidative stress and reducing inflammation.
3. Blood Pressure Management
While the blood pressure level is quite related and influential for one’s cardiac health, rising or dropping blood pressure can lead to many potential health issues and might cause comorbidity. Studies even suggest that it has a positive correlation with mental health conditions such as depression or anxiety.
Strawberries, packed with potassium (136mg per 80 gm), can be helpful in regulating the blood pressure level in individuals. Potassium helps in regulating the level of sodium in the blood, lowering the blood pressure level. Also, folate and vitamin C present in strawberries also help in blood pressure regulation.
4. Blood Sugar Regulation
These days, diabetes is becoming a gigantic issue all over the world. While blood sugar regulation may seem like a complex process, all it involves is two steps- breaking down the carbs into simple sugars, and secretion of insulin to use the simple sugar as a fuel or put it in storage.
However, our irregular diets and complex food consumption often lead to the dysregulation of this process. Strawberry comes with a low glycemic index which makes it a smart choice as a snack. While one suffers from a habit of excessive munching, adding strawberries as snacks can be a healthful and tasteful choice.
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5. Type-2 Diabetes
Type-2 diabetes leads to a complex condition where the secretion of insulin is minimal or the body resists insulin. This causes the individual suffering from this condition to often take insulin shots to regulate their glucose use and storage. Strawberries and their antioxidants can be beneficial in this case.
Studies show that the regular serving of strawberries can help in reducing the resistance in diabetes-2 patients. Also, strawberries seem to slow down glucose digestion, culminating in reduced spikes in both glucose and insulin levels in the blood after the consumption of a carb-rich meal.
6. Fighting Cancer
While the reasons for one being affected by cancer cannot be found in most cases, we all know what it is- the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the affected organ or system. Studies have revealed that oxidative stress and chronic inflammation are two contributing factors in many cases of cancer formation and development of the disease.
Strawberries have antioxidants that help in reducing oxidative inflammation in the body, reducing the chances of malignant tumour formation. Studies have shown astonishing results where antioxidants from strawberries actively inhibit the development of tumours in mouth cancer in animals and human liver cancer. Two antioxidants found in strawberries known as ellagic acid and ellagitannins are two agents which have been discovered to stop the growth of cancer cells.
7. Weight Management
Weight management these days has become quite hectic for all of us because of the increasing rate of toxins found in food. This causes the metabolism process in our bodies to undergo dysregulation. Not to mention that many submit to snacking as a method of stress-busting, developing eating disorders.
While we are not immune to these factors, we can certainly break the habit of munching on unhealthy snacks by replacing those with strawberries. The taste is nonetheless exquisite while it is rich in fiber and low in calories. Also, strawberries cause one to feel full after a healthy rate of intake, that way, one cannot overeat.
8. Cognitive Function
Due to increasing stress, many of us are suffering from cognitive decline. It is often experienced by us all when we forget the keys to one place or an item when we go grocery shopping. The risks of developing dementia in old age are exponential in recent times. Some antioxidants present in strawberries, such as vitamin C, anthocyanidins, and flavonoids, help in the support of brain health and keep one sharp.
Flavonoids and Vitamin C present in strawberries have shown compelling qualities to reduce the risks of Alzheimer’s disease. According to the research in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, anthocyanins and flavonoids help in fighting dementia and the good news is, both are present in strawberries.
9. Helping with Joint Pain
While oxidation causing inflammation can affect the organs, it has significant effects in our joints also. Along with age, the development of joint pain can be noticed in most adults and this increases for the constant stress and at times, genetic reasons.
Arthritis or other joint-related issues can be kept at bay if one consumes strawberries regularly. Strawberries are rich in flavonoids, anthocyanin and antioxidants, which have neuroprotective properties, helping one to beat joint issues like arthritis.
10. Gut Health
While many of us often ignore our gut health, it cannot be refuted that we all suffer from bloating or the development of gas once in a while. In this case, also, strawberries show promising signs. The prebiotic activity of strawberries, presumably due to the polyphenols present, can be beneficial for improved gut health. The researchers found that strawberries cause an increase in beneficial gut bacteria in mice, which can be due to a two-way relationship between anthocyanins and the gut microbiota.
While it almost has no disadvantages except for potential pesticide residue, which also can be avoided by opting for organically grown strawberries, this little treat from the berry family can be a solution to multiple problems.
Who would have thought that a small fruit like strawberry could be this beneficial? Now, add strawberries to that shopping list of yours as you know its benefits and take a step forward towards a more healthy lifestyle.
Read also: When can babies eat strawberries?
How many Strawberries can one eat in a day?
There is no limit but one cup of serving can be sufficient as strawberries make one feel full.
Are strawberries good for our skin?
Yes, indeed! As strawberries are high in vitamin C, consuming it can be highly beneficial for flawless skin.
Do Strawberries have a lot of Sugar?
Not at all. The water content is almost 91% in strawberries and the sugar is minimal.
What are the benefits of strawberries for women?
While improved gut health, cardiovascular system, and immunity are the treats for everyone irrespective of gender, strawberries add better skin and rich nutrients for women.