source: pexel
Condensed soy milk is used to make tofu, which is produced similarly to how cheese is formed. Organic tofu is the best choice if you're concerned about GMOs because it's frequently derived from GMO soybeans.
source: pexel
Tofu has a high fat and protein content but a low calorie count. In addition, it has a wealth of vital vitamins and minerals, including as calcium and manganese.
source: pexel
Phytates and trypsin inhibitors are examples of antinutrients found in tofu. Soybeans can have their antinutrient content decreased by soaking, sprouting, or fermenting them before making tofu.
source: pexel
Isoflavones, which are present in all soy products, including tofu, are thought to be the primary source of the food's health advantages.
source: pexel
Certain heart health parameters may be improved by eating whole soy products like tofu. Even so, additional research is required.
source: pexel